
Laura Pavon: Acupuncturist and massage therapist based in Amsterdam

Laura Pavon acupuncturist and massage therapist in Amsterdam

Originally from Spain, I began my journey helping people to feel better in 2011 in Barcelona, by studying massage, myofascial massage and trigger point therapy. Aditionally, I worked as a yoga teacher for eight years, teaching yoga and meditation to people with physical disabilities, COPD and recovering addicts. From 2013 to 2019, I studied traditional Chinese acupuncture at CENAC, Li Ping and Acupuntura Wu Wei, in Barcelona. Besides traditional Chinese acupuncture, I also learned SAAM, YNSA, ear and abdominal acupuncture during those years.  

I have been editing Apuntes de Acupuntura, one of the most popular acupuncture websites in Spanish, since 2015. Joined the Catalan and Spanish acupuncture association SAC-AAE in 2016. In 2021, I moved to Amsterdam to study Toyohari acupuncture and became a member of the European Branch of Toyohari Association.

My approach to therapy can be described as compassionate and intuitive. With slow strokes and accurate pressure points, I use a massage technique that is adapted to the level of sensitivity of each client. As a result, it invites the nervous system to calm down and the mind to be in touch with the body. I use gentle and effective acupuncture techniques, and I monitor how the treatment is progressing and how the body is responding by feeling the pulse and observing the changes on the skin.


Laura Pavon, acupuncturist and massage therapist in Amsterdam

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