Migraine and headache

Acupuncture and massage therapy for migraine and headache

I've had a few clients that booked an appointment with me to help them deal with migraine and headache. But how can massage and acupuncture help with that? Migraines and headaches are prevalent conditions, affecting a significant portion of the adult population worldwide, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). To address these conditions, let's delve deeper into the role of acupuncture and massage therapy.

Acupuncture, a traditional healing practice, involves stimulating specific points on the body to promote balance and alleviate pain. By targeting these points, acupuncture can help regulate energy flow and reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines and headaches.

Massage therapy, on the other hand, focuses on manipulating soft tissues to relieve tension and promote relaxation. It can help ease muscle tightness, improve circulation, and reduce stress levels, all of which contribute to managing migraines and headaches.

Combining these two powerful approaches can enhance their effectiveness in providing relief and improving overall well-being. By customizing treatments to your specific needs, I aim to optimize the benefits of acupuncture and massage therapy to help you find relief from migraines and headaches.

Don't let these conditions hold you back. Take control of your well-being and book an appointment today to experience the transformative effects of acupuncture and massage therapy.

Comparison between tension-type headache and migraine

Tension-type headache


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Massage therapy for tension-type headache

Tension on the muscles of the neck, jaw and the head can manifest headaches. Many trigger points refer pain to the head, and as you can see in the next picture, Travell and Simons studied it and drew a map to help us identify the muscles involved.

Is pressing one of these trigger points going to turn-off my headache like a button? According to my experience, no. We are complex and probably there are several muscles involved in your particular condition. That is why when I massage I try to have a broad approach and explore as many structures as possible and in different angles and positions instead of digging in one spot. I press when I find a spot that "calls for it", always respecting the tolerance of the client, and then go back to the general structure to integrate the effect and feel the reaction.

Also, as emotional stress aggravates this condition, I do my best to make the massage a very relaxing experience. Relaxing the nervous system usually softens the muscular tone and reduces the intensity of the pain.

Massage on the neck and head for headache Foto de Karolina Grabowska para pexels

Acupuncture for migraine

Migraine can have some elements of muscular tension involved, but it is a more complex issue. The causes of migraine are still unknown but it's thought to be an abnormal activity of the brain in terms of nervous system, chemicals and blood circulation as a response to some triggers, like food or sleep disturbances. It's been observed that in some women, migraine is associated with their menstrual cycle. 

According to this study, massage helps to reduce the frequency of migraines and improves the sleep quality. But in my experience, acupuncture is my most efective tool when facing an ongoing acute case of migraine. 

apuntes de acupuntura meridianos de la cabeza perfil

Acupuncture is about balancing and restoring the circulation of Qi and blood through the body. The intense pain of migraine can be understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine as stagnation of Qi and blood. Through acupuncture, this stagnated Qi can be moved and redistributed through the energetic channels to reduce the pain and alleviate the symptoms like nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Also, acupuncture helps to regulate natural processes in the body like the menstrual cycle, improve sleep and reduces stress. So besides helping you in a current migraine attack, acupuncture will help you to reduce the frequency and be less vulnerable to it.

Here you have a scientific study about the eficacy of acupuncture for migraine.

Afraid of needles? Try Toyohari acupuncture

If the idea of needles makes you feel anxious, uneasy and sweaty, I completely understand. I won't pressure you to undergo traditional acupuncture with needles. I have many friends who are highly sensitive and have even felt faint during acupuncture sessions. Luckily, I also practice Toyohari acupuncture, a Japanese technique that doesn't involve inserting needles into the body. It's perfect for people like you who are more sensitive.

With Toyohari acupuncture, I use tools like the Teishin, a small metal object that I place gently on your skin. This allows me to balance your meridians and provide a safe and comfortable experience.

You don't have to let your fear of needles hold you back from experiencing the benefits of acupuncture. Contact me today to learn more about Toyohari acupuncture and how it can help you improve your well-being, without the anxiety of needle insertion.

Teishin tool for Toyohari acupuncture

Combination of massage and acupuncture for headaches and migraine

Massage therapy can be beneficial for relieving headaches, and acupuncture has also shown positive effects. But what if we combine the two? That's my preferred approach because it allows me to adapt to each unique situation and provide the best possible treatment.

When a client is experiencing a severe migraine attack with symptoms like nausea, difficulty speaking, or walking, I've found that acupuncture is particularly helpful in improving their overall well-being. Towards the end of the session, once they start feeling better, I incorporate some gentle massage techniques on the neck and scalp to complement the treatment.

For individuals with chronic tension headaches or migraines that are not currently causing severe pain, I focus more on massage therapy while still utilizing acupuncture to balance the body's meridians. This ensures that the massage takes the lead in providing relief and relaxation.

By combining the benefits of both massage and acupuncture, I offer a broader approach to migraine treatment, tailored to each individual's specific needs and condition.

Book an appointment

You can get acupuncture and or massage therapy for your headaches with me in Amsterdam East. Touch the next button to send me a Whatsapp message.