Sprained ankle

Acupuncture and Massage for Ankle Sprains:

Ankle sprains are a common injury that many of us experience at some point in our lives. When the ligaments and structures supporting the ankle are twisted too far, it can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility during the healing process. However, some injuries may not heal correctly, leading to chronic pain and a weaker ankle structure that is more susceptible to further injury. Additionally, adapting your posture to avoid pain and instability during the recovery period can cause tension to build up in other areas, such as the hips, back, and neck.

If you're looking for a supportive treatment to recover from an ankle sprain, consider incorporating massage and acupuncture into your healing plan. These alternative therapies can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve mobility, making it easier for you to get back on your feet. Moreover, post-healing exercises can strengthen your ankle structures and prevent future injuries. You can also use moxibustion and clay to reduce swelling during the first few days.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll take a closer look at the different types of ankle sprains and explore how acupuncture and massage can help you recover from this common injury. We'll also discuss exercises and other tips for preventing future injuries and maintaining healthy ankle structures.

Anatomical structures of the ankle

Ligaments are bands of connective tissue that help to connect bones, organs and joints.  Ligaments hold the structures together and limit the range of motion. When the ankle is forced to move out of it's normal position, ligaments can stretch or tear. Depending on the severity of the tearing, surgical intervention can be needed. In case of a sprained ankle, please visit your doctor to get an assessment on what medical treatment you need. 

Lateral ankle ligaments

Lateral side of the ankle's ligaments

Medial ankle ligaments

Medial side of the ankle's ligaments

On an ankle sprain, the most common injury happens on the lateral side of the ankle, affecting the anterior talofibular ligament ATFL and/or calcaneofibular ligament CFL.

An ankle sprain on the inner side is usually less common, but it can happen. When it does, it usually affects the large Deltoid ligament.

Symptoms of an ankle sprain

·   Swelling around your ankle

·   Feeling of instability while walking

·   Pain when you step on your foot

·   Tenderness to touch

·   Bruises in case that some blood vessels break

Green clay paste to reduce the swelling of an ankle sprain

Green clay is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, which make it a fantastic option for reducing swelling caused by sprains and minor injuries. This versatile ingredient has long been used in traditional medicines and cosmetics due to its healing and balancing effects when in contact with the skin.

To harness the benefits of green clay for a minor ankle sprain, all you need to do is create a paste by mixing green clay powder with water. Apply the paste to the swollen area, ensuring it is generously covered and has a thickness of around 5 mm if possible. To maintain moisture and prevent any mess, cover the clay paste with cling film. For optimal results, apply the paste before bedtime and leave it on overnight. I have personally used this remedy on myself and my family members, and we consistently experienced noticeable improvement in swelling and pain by the morning. To remove the clay paste, simply rinse it off with lukewarm water. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may need to repeat the application several times. As the swelling and pain subside, you can progress to the next stages of your recovery journey.

To explore additional uses of green clay and its remarkable benefits, feel free to read more here.

Moxibustion for an ankle sprain: healing with heat

Okyu japanese moxibustion tecnique on the ankle

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Moxibustion is a valuable tool used by acupuncturists to restore energy balance and facilitate healing. This technique involves stimulating acupuncture points with heat instead of needles. I prefer to use high-quality artemisia plant for moxibustion, although it does produce a small amount of smoke. Moxibustion can effectively address stagnant blood and energy, making it particularly useful in promoting the healing of bruises and reducing swelling associated with ankle sprains.

There are various methods of using moxibustion, but one approach that yields exceptional results in healing bruises and reducing swelling is through the use of moxa cones. I carefully shape these cones using premium artemisia wool, placing them on the skin and igniting their tips. However, I ensure to remove the cone before it touches the skin to prevent any discomfort, burns, or harm.

By incorporating moxibustion into your treatment plan, you can take advantage of its healing properties to expedite the recovery process and alleviate the symptoms of ankle sprains. The warmth and therapeutic effects of moxibustion can significantly contribute to your overall well-being.

Acupuncture for an ankle sprain: restoring balance

Energy channels on the ankles and feet

Acupuncture is a technique that helps the body heal by restoring energy flow and blood circulation. It can be especially beneficial for ankle sprains. The ankle has specific points that, when stimulated through acupuncture, can reduce pain and swelling. Additionally, since our body's energy pathways are interconnected, acupuncture in other areas like the arms, head, abdomen, or ears can also help relieve ankle pain. Even if your ankle is in a cast, acupuncture can still be a safe and supportive treatment throughout the recovery process.

Massage for ankle sprain recovery

Massage is another effective method for healing after the initial repair of the ankle. When we sprain our ankle, some leg muscles can tense up to protect the injury. During the healing process, we may change the way we walk to avoid pain, which can create tension and pain in other areas like the hips, back, or shoulders, especially if we use crutches. Massage therapy, such as myofascial massage and gentle joint movements, can help relax these tense muscles and restore proper movement to the ankle. By addressing these secondary issues, massage promotes balance in the body.

Book an appointment

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