
Massage therapy in Amsterdam

A woman receiving a relaxing massage on her face

We need to be touched

Skin is our largest organ, and we often underestimate its power as a sensory organ. Our skin serves as both a barrier and a door for communicating with others and the world around us. Human beings are social animals and we bond through touch. In this social distance period, we all experienced in our lives how soothing being touched can be and how much can we miss a hug.

Our nervous system is in continuous communication with the skin. Their language involve pressure, temperature, texture, rythm. Through massage, we can talk to the brain from the skin and tell the whole body to calm down, relax and repair itself. Human touch helps to regulate digestion, sleep and the immune system. Touch increases oxitocine, dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmiters that help also to regulate your mood and emotions. That is why massage is a great tool to keep you not only healthy but happy and massage can help you get through difficult times.

Myofascial massage in Amsterdam

I use a combination of Swedish Massage, Myofascial Massage and Deep Tissue techniques to make you feel better. With deep slow strokes and progressive pressure on your trigger points, I relieve tension from your muscles and the connective tissue, also known as the fascia. After a Myofascial Massage is common to feel peaceful, relaxed, with an increased range of motion and less pain.

Some people ask what is better: Myofascial Massage or Deep Tissue Massage. It depends on the situation. Deep tissue works deeply on the affected area, the one that is painful or restricted. Myofascial adresses other areas connected, releasing restrictions that can be away from the pain, giving a more broad sense of relaxation. I use the technique that provides a better response to each individual: some people just need deeper pressure than others to relax, and others more gentle. I respect the diversity of sensitivities and do my best to adapt.

How often should I get a massage?

Some people have the idea to go get a massage only when they are in pain. You don't need to wait to be in pain. Getting a massage regularly helps you maintain your wellbeing and prevent issues. And it's so pleasant, it's a way to treat you, to give your body some love, to help you celebrate the good times and get support in the not so good ones.

How often would you like a massage?

Every week

Every few weeks or monthly

On special occasions

Book your next appointment

As easy as touching the next button and agreeing on a date. Go for it!